How To Deal With Being Shy
Kim Masters
Everyone is shy and anxious at one point or another.
Sometimes it is butterflies in your stomach when you enter a
room full of strangers, or when it's your turn to give a
speech. More than 50% of people have a fear of public
speaking. Social anxiety can be an occasional case of
jitters, up to a disabling disorder than can cause havoc to
your entire life.
You can greatly improve your quality of life by curing your
fears. Anxiety is your automatic response to perceived
danger. Your body will release stress hormones, resulting in
an increased heart pace, flushing of your face, sweaty palms
and your muscles to contract, leaving you with a queasy
feeling in your stomach.
Most people with social anxiety will just try to avoid
social situations. They will deny the fact that they are
shy, and just say that they don't like parties, or don't
like making presentations, when the real fact is that they
are shy.
The more you avoid social situations, the more the fears
become ingrained in you. Avoiding these situations is the
opposite of what you should be doing. To rid yourself of
these fears, you should confront them head on.
There are two main reasons why people have social anxiety.
They are the fear of embarrassment and being judged. They
are afraid of saying something embarrassing or other people
thinking that they are stupid or foolish. So how can you
overcome your shyness?
Start by taking small steps. You don't have to try to be the
life of the party, just make it a goal to attend and take it
slow by talking to one or two people. Give yourself a pat on
the back once you have achieved your goal. The more of these
little steps you take, the faster the fear will go away.
You also need to channel your negative thoughts to become
positive ones. Don't keep thinking that the worst will
happen in any situation. Rehearse and visualize situations
that make you nervous. Play it out in your mind ahead of
time, and seeing positive results makes it easier once you
are actually in the situation.
Want to learn how to get
over shyness? Visit for tips and
information. Also, learn
how to stay motivated
by visiting our sister site.
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