Refinancing Your Florida Mortgage

By Louie Latour

Are you refinancing your mortgage and want to get the lowest mortgage rates? There are several things you should know about the rate quotes you receive before refinancing to avoid paying too much. The quotes you get from your broker and on the Internet include commission based markup that drives up your payment by hundreds of dollars each month. Here is what you need to know about this unnecessary markup to avoid paying too much for your next mortgage.

Beware Yield Spread Premium

The markup of your mortgage rate for a commission is known as Yield Spread Premium. It is simply a percent of your mortgage that is created when you lock and close your loan with above market rates. This percentage is paid to your mortgage company or broker as an incentive for overcharging you.

Yield Spread Premium in Action

Suppose you're refinancing your home loan for $350,000 with a mortgage rate of 6.5%. The broker charges you a 1% fee for arranging you loan meaning you'll have to pay this person $3500 at closing. What your broker isn't telling you is that you actually qualified for a 6.0% mortgage rate and they've marked it up because the lender is paying them 2% or $7000 for overcharging you. You get stuck with a higher than market mortgage rate meaning you'll pay thousands of dollars in finance charges unnecessarily.

How Does This Change Your Mortgage Payment?

Suppose you refinance your home with a fixed rate mortgage with a 30 year term length. The mortgage your broker told you that you qualified for at 6.5 percent would give you payment of $2,200 per month. If you got the mortgage you qualified for at 6.0% your payment would only be $2,090. That's a savings of $1,320 per year all because your mortgage broker took advantage of your situation!

Fortunately for you it is possible to avoid this commission based markup of your mortgage rate and keep more of your own money. You can qualify for wholesale mortgage rates and pay a flat one percent fee to the broker. All it takes is investing a few hours time doing your homework and you'll save yourself thousands of dollars in unnecessary fees and interest.

Louie Latour specializes in showing seniors how to get the best Florida mortgage rates when refinancing. Before you refinance your home loan, make sure you watch RefiAdvisor's excellent free video guide to Florida mortgage refinancing here.

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